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Personal Information


For condensed information about myself, please take a look at the following versions of short biographies:

People, institutions and companies interested in offering me a job can download a full version of my curriculum vitae:

My Family

My wife Iris is a very enjoyable lady, a great cook,
and an excellent host.
She has a diploma degree in business administration and is working part-time in the at the Daimler-Chrysler Research Center in Ulm's Science City.
My son Thomas was born in 1993. He is blond and very cute, he plays tennis and the piano.
He is going to Schubart High School.

Other family members are online, too. At some later point, I will add their email addresses here.

More information is provided by selecting the following menu items:

My Past
Short and condensed information about my past.
A few personal interests of mine.
A list of my favourite citations and famous sayings.

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